Friday, February 14, 2025

COMPELLING (Thiago's Mix) And How It Got Me My USPTO Trademark For SAPIEN FILMS

Since Oct 2023, I've been trying to get my SAPIEN FILMS logo trademarked, but the specimens I kept sending to get the logo verified were constantly rejected. That was until I put the url for one of my first short films called COMPELLING. Now, I can use my logo officially in film which I will for my first feature length called THE CHOICE. NEVER DELETE OLD VIDEOS!!! Because if it wasn't for this video on my YouTube I'd probably still be trying to get the USPTO to accept this symbol of my Spiritual and business life. Look for it in their official online mag on February 18th.

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Uncut Script Rehearsal #4 for THE CHOICE

We rehearsed the final pages (46-82) of the original script without major scene descriptions!!! This primarily for cast and crew review.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Going To An Animator's Event and You're Invited Plus Video Update

 On Thursday November 21, 2024, from approximately 5 to 8pm an artist/filmmaker/animator will be showing his live action film (not animation) SAHARA'S POEM at the Newark Public Library. If you are interested in going to this free event hit this link saharas-poem-short-film-premiere-tickets

Also below, I have a short video talking about THE CHOICE that I just made to keep you guys informed. Please read the description if you are interested in applying for the animator's role. This is a limited pay project... But you still get paid!!!! 

Take Care and maybe I'll see you soon.


BTW-I just found out that the event is sold out… Sorry 😣 

Saturday, November 09, 2024

Here’s the news!!!!

 After a whirlwind of events, it actually became possible to animate our next project using the Unreal Engine (5)!!! So that means we’ll invest in Rokoko equipment to capture the live performance of my actors who are slated to be in the film!!!

We’re still working on details but that’s the latest news!!! I’ll let you know what the animation company located in Texas tells us in the upcoming week!!!

