I realize that it is a day before
EASTER but I have to acknowledge this holiday. It is the only holiday that can bring me to tears. I won't go into the theological or overall spiritual ramifications of this day, however, to not notice it would be poor behavior in my eyes and in my heart.
Onto other things like the
NewFilmmakersNy Spring Festival!!!! On Monday April 5th we will be showing the
HUMAN GAME 2 at the Film Anthology in NYC. Everyone is welcome so long as you pay your $6.00 to get in (LOL). Personally, I am trying not to be too anxious about the showing but playing down the moment would be the opposite of what it means to be alive and in the here-&-now. So all I can say is that I am excited and even though I am preoccupied with the Yard Rats project I have to remain extremely thankful for this opportunity. Actually I see it as a wonderful
gift because not only is tomorrow
EASTER but it is also my birthday :)
So fill your hearts with
LOVE this holiday and enjoy those wonderful things that life gives you especially when it arrives with impeccable timing.
Enjoy your blessings (both the rare and everyday kind).