Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So I went to this mixer feeling sort disgruntled because several of the last mixers I went to were very disappointing. However, it is the holiday season and my sister had already bought the tickets.
At first it was rather quiet but after a while the dj went old school and everybody (except me) hit the floor and danced the night away. The youngest girl there that night was a grad student and she was one of the highlights of the night. She knew every song word for word and sang while dancing (she is the girl in the white sweater). My sister who was wear a purple glitter top kept her company on the dance floor and paid for it the next morning with sore toes and cramps in her feet (LOL).
Anyway, the mixer was a surprising success in my opinion even if I didn't network as much as I normally do.
Have a great holiday season. PEACE.

p.s. leave some comments if you like the pics ;)

1 comment:

DNA said...

Great story, Nathan! But what about the old head in the blue dress??

By the way, there is one correction. You DID get on the dance floor and I have the picture to prove it!