Saturday, March 29, 2008

That's A Wrap!

We actually finished shooting the short for the festival last Thursday so officially we are in post-production. Despite some seemingly odd setbacks like not being able to cast the role of Mya we persevered. I had to eliminate her role completely from the short which is strange because I have been trying to cast this role for the past two years.

An amazingly wonderful turn of events came when a friend of mine recommended an actor she knew who was on Myspace. I contacted him and we became friends. He started off just being an understudy for all the male roles. Then I gave him the position of P.A. soon his helpfulness made me feel the need to see how strong his acting skills were. So I watched him improvise with some of the established actors and bingo!!!! He was actually pretty good so I made his role bigger. In turn, he proved to me that when one door closes another opens. As a sign of gratitude I am going to start off my shout-outs to my actors with E. Vincent Burrows. He is an outstanding performer and P.A. Way-to-go, E!

Also, to my actors... Every week or so I will post one of your pics on my site and your bios as well so send me your bios soon! I have already completed the trailer for the festival and I have also finished the photo booklet but the text has not been completely filled in yet because... I haven't received all your bios!!!!

To all my other readers, thanks for your encouragement. It really has helped :)

Take it easy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

THERE"S THE LOVE!!! LOL i'm so glad things are going smoothly. sending out all the good vibes in your direction SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOCH