Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Mercury Retrograde Means Hit The Pause Button!

Hey Everyone!

May is here and with it has come my old nemesis Mercury Retrograde. Believe you me when I say that I am not a superstitious person but the timing is a Bummer on this retrograde thing. I always seem to have technical difficulties during this period. Last night I burned 7 DVDs just to get 1 good one and right now I am writing to you with my fingers crossed because we are only a day away from the dreaded event. LOL.

However, as a believer in self-fulfilling prophecy I know that what you think is going to happen with enough worry/bad energy behind it will definitely happen. Hence, I have decided to give worry/bad energy a rest and anyone who falls under that category can take a flying leap! Not to say that I am going to just relax but lets face it worrying is just self-destructive.

As for the contest and competition updates...

We didn't make the cut for the Babelgum Competition. Filmaka's Fresh Start Competition shot us down, too. We have entered The ACEFEST with a new piece called The Human Game and we will find out if they accept it by May 29th. Also, Filmaka has a new competition called Hard Times that I edited The PARC (aka The PACT) down and submitted to them. There are more competitions in the works but for now I am feeling the need to stay mum about those things... I have to remember the new "no worries" clause in my "mental contract" with myself.

Finally, I would like to give a special thanks to the DoP from PA that showed up for our last meeting named Jason Glover. He brought an assistant (Mike) and a trusted photographer (Andrea) to the meeting with him. Also, thanks to all my actors who have donated their time and effort to my projects. May you receive a bounty/blessing/reward as big as the blessing that you have been to me. NOW THAT'S HUGE!!!!

Take care people.

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