Monday, March 24, 2014

The Ghost and The Darkness.

In colonial pre-apartheid South Africa the British had a few problems with their railroad systems; it was called The Ghost and The Darkness. There was apparently in the Savannah a couple of hunters whose household plans disagreed with industrial expansion of new colonialism. The only problem was these hunters were of the four legged type. They were lions and here was the real issue; full mane lions are pride leaders and usually let the females hunt for the group yet these two lions hunted more like the first Jurassic Park movie raptors than your average lions. One sat in the open while the other hunted the hunters stalking them. 

They also waited and watched the group pursuing them to see who staggered or strayed from the group like you would a herd of wilder beasts or hoofed herding animals to pick off those foolish enough to stray. They did not perceive the scouts or the weak any differently just the further into their territory you went the more food you became to them. Their modern weaponry didn't mean anything to these lions just that someone was dumb and stupid enough to cross their path and the apartheid system that pushed the building of that railroad itself was eventually destroyed. Maybe those two lions were a foreboding of things to come????
Anyway here are few videos some serious and some not so serious.

The Ghost is Fantastic;

The Darkness is Awesome.

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