Sunday, May 14, 2023

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY and The 2023 Union Public Library Author's Fair a day EARLIER!!!

 First off, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! I just want to remind both males and females of all ages that we are all mothers (and fathers) to our hopes and dreams (our thoughts and emotions) so today is special for all of us to LOVE ourselves and others who nurture us!!! The Universe takes care of us all when we send it the energy that we want to receive!!!

So, yesterday was the first Union Author's Fair at the public library and all I got to say was that we were not alone!! Some of the author's had multiple books and projects there and in the works. I was seated with my family (Mother & sister) on one side and made quick friends with the writer on my left side. Her name was Kristine Hope Kowalski and she had wrote an excerpt from a book about women and resilience called "The Event" from the book "What Doesn't Kill Her". I read it that night and was surprised to find out that someone else in this world had experienced a psychosomatic pain incident like the one I had (only hers lasted for a day while mine continued for close to 10 years). Another interesting writer (with a super cool hat) was Al Cook of Kreative Rytings Unlimited LLC. I asked him about his hat and he sair that he sold them amongst other things through his sites. I have pictures of the authors signing and showing off their books. 

To make that day even better was that my cousin Esther Dillard and her husband, Skip, and son, Nick, dropped by. It was the first time in 48 years that our families had met in person. I have picks below of all of us together. I gave her signed copy of The Zen Cookbook and made sure she signed my copy of her book about Black hair and being in the media's eye!!! It was a joyous experience and made today even sweeter for my mom because it clarified some of her fading memories.

Pics are below and remember to let your MOTHERING/LOVING/NURTURING NATURE be expressed everyday both to others and towards yourself!!!



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