Friday, April 28, 2006

Greetings my name is Nathan Zen-Sapien ( aka Nathan Waire) and my first book was published February 23 by OutskirtsPress. It is called THE ZEN COOKBOOK.

This book is a compilation of three scripts that I wrote and thought were enjoyable. The first script I actually wrote from a treatment (short story) from a relative. It is an urban drama about a woman who seeks revenge against a local gangster by disguising herself as a man. At first I wasn't going to do it but there was a challenge in taking a 7 page story and converting it into a 100+ page script. I even altered the story in several spots to add more violence and depth to the characters.

The second script is called One Man's Choice and it starts on page 137. It is about a secret war that is waged by Heaven and Hell over one man's soul.

The final script is the namesake of the book. The Zen Cookbook or How The Cosmos Can Screw You Left Then Right is a humorous yet dark look at the events in my life. The main character, Ethan Zen, examines his life through a mystical cypher but for some reason can come up with no answers. That story starts on page 257 and is dedicated to the Indigo Children of this world. For more information I suggest that you look up the Indigo Children on the web. There is a lot of false info about them out there but for every group of lies there is a nugget of truth...EXPLORE!

I have never blogged before so I will try to post some pics pretty soon. Take care.


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