Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Sometimes an inner conflict can herald a greater period of growth or even a change in the perception and understanding that you may have of yourself.
I have never been a fan of pain and suffering (who the HELL is?!?) but I have learned that the burdens we place on ourselves and toil with everyday are sometimes heavier than the physical afflictions that our bodies may suffer.
BTW - Prayer, meditation, counselling (individual & group), art mediums from mixed media to Crayolas, musical development from song to composition, any dance expression/movement, the written word from poetry to prose, good ol' fashion exercise, and all other forms of release that may help you connect to your "focused" center and/or your "higher"self should be displayed whenever it is needed to maintain a healthy and strong mind. Arguably I would dare say in the esoteric sense that these are the things that form and constitute a healthy and strong soul.

Try to take care of yourself the right way.
Try to let some of those burdens go.

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