Thursday, January 16, 2014

Are You An Archangel or a Daredevil or A Little Of Both?

Warren Worthington born with a set of wings and a silver spoon in his mouth. Matt Murdock born poor and further hindered by disability. Warren privileged yet chiding to do the right thing even if stereotypes demanded he act one way or the other. Matt poverty stricken and losing his sight however gaining vision that surpassed others. Are you a Daredevil or an Archangel?
The Daredevil has no super strength but a lot of Faith. He believes in himself enough to trust his vision that gives him power and courage that exceeds the foes foolish enough to cross him. He has fought ninjas, mutants, and automatons with sometimes only a cane and belt with a few gadgets. He is like Marvel's answer to Batman.
Warren has angel's wings but stereotypes aside didn't have to act like one, in fact, he lived a lavish lifestyle. The perfection that superseded his stereotypical good looks and wealth was his vigilance for justice despite judgments against him and the temptations (not the music group) put before him. Sometimes fighting the Good fight is just making some Good choices and ignoring the idiots around you. He was an angel by choice and accept his responsibilities that his genetic make-up dictated to him... without allowing it to become a hindrance. He became an archangel when he refused to accept the forces beyond his control that tried to define him in terms he did not believe in... Are you an archangel or a Daredevil?
I am rich on the nside and have vision. I have disadvantages that I care nothing about yet not given in to lured energy plaguing me.
I refuse to give up my halo or my horns. Are you a Daredevil or an Archangel? Or a little of both????

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