Monday, January 27, 2014

Hell In A Hand Basket

Whoever said that phrase first must have been eating through a lot of problems. Let's see... In most hand baskets there is food, drink, and stuff that allows you to eat special treats. Sometimes people around seem to lower themselves on the food chain. It seems that when your enemies begin to fail they seem to repeat their mistakes even if you don't know that they consider you a foe. It is almost as if their losing causes a repetition of stupidity. They forget that the answer is simple... Idiot stop being stupid. If you can't accept the winner's graciousness and kindness to the point of acknowledging almost verbally of leave me alone then perhaps you are something less than a loser... Maybe a treat in that Champion's hand basket. Let's face it if you are in that hand basket atleast be grateful that it isn't a casket. Don't be an idiot sometimes giving your enemies a little space is just wisdom. It is magical knowing when to leave someone alone.
You may not be able to Trust the magick around you, however, The Magick will never fail you... Although your family, friends, and neighbors will.

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