Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Review of Runaway Mate by Gen17

 This one was different!!! Instead of chapters the book was separated by 3 to 4 pages of perspective/thoughts from individual characters that progress the story! So you follow the story from the perspective of each character as it relates to the story.

The story is definitely from a millennial view in the way it relates to relationships and is intriguing because it is an unusual supernatural story! Based on werewolves with a vampire undertone leads the reader into the minds of supernatural characters from the elite to the minions!

The only real flaw is that there are no page numbers so you will need a bookmark or to earmark the pages!

Overall, the story was GREAT and the title was appropriate for the climax of this story leaving the reader wanting to see book two in the series!

I definitely recommend this one for lovers of supernatural characters and for careful readers who like nuance and vicious intrigue… you’ll enjoy this one!!! It is truly a different read!!!

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