Thursday, February 16, 2023

If You're Interested in My Early Work Purchase These Two Books!!!

 I wrote two books at the beginning of the millennia that saw a little success but never really took off. So, because they were prototypes for scripts, I rewrote them recently and individually entered them into competitions. I took one script from THE ZEN COOKBOOK AND OTHER BIZARRE SCREENPLAYS called One Man's Choice and modernized it. I renamed it, THE CHOICE, and entered it into The BAFF or Big Apple Film Festival. It won!

The other script called *BEEP* was a cross between the namesake stories of both THE ZEN COOKBOOK and BOY: A STORY BASED ON TRUE EVENTS. BOY was the actual story of what happened with I and my autistic brother before his death and THE ZEN COOKBOOK was a colorful yet existential script based on the same upbringing. *BEEP* won The SIFF (Swedish International Film Festival).

So, if you get the chance, please pick up a copy of these books. The links to Amazon are below!


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