Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Doing Auditions

Now that I am not writing for a while I have decided to do some acting again. I recently auditioned for a role where my character dies at the feet of Robert Deniro and Al Pacino. 50 Cent is rumored to play a gangsta buddy of my doomed character. I prayin' that I get the part!!!! People please give me some good energy for this role!!

As for the other auditions... all seems well. I have one for today that is a commercial for a jewelry store. My fingers are crossed because I have bills to pay and that ain't no joke.

The tickets for Bill's networking is now $75.00 and I do believe that there are less than five left so stop procrastinating and get yours today. :)

Take it easy and give me those GOOD thoughts and prayers because I need it.



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