Thursday, January 20, 2011

GAMERA And Some Powerful Turtle Magic

As a child, I had a great affinity for Godzilla BUT I was absolutely nuts for GAMERA. It is odd that America never really got into the the idea of a giant monster turtle. A giant monster lizard is a whole different matter. Maybe it's that Jurassic Park residual T-Rex/Raptor "turtles don't scare us" mentality? Or maybe it is just the fact that Godzilla was introduced to the West way before Gamera?

From The Tortoise and The Hare to First Nations totem poles, turtles have had legendary status in the myths of many cultures. The ancient Spiritual symbolism of the turtles can range from protection, to representing order, creation, endurance, strength, stability, longevity, fertility,and a gentle innocence. They can also represent good fortune, and can bring forth happiness and good omens.

As a totem animal it is argued that when the turtle enters your life it brings with it the closure of one period and/or the beginning of another. Turtles are also a reminder to go and grow at you own pace. Sometimes we rush through our daily experiences and often miss those special things or "gifts" that life offers only when we are still. 

Seriously besides Gamera who is a giant, Japanese, flying, fire-breathing, fantasy monster most turtles are portrayed as less than potent. However the symbolic lineage of the turtle goes far deeper than we can in modern terms accept. Just like all things in nature the turtle may have a connection to the psyche of most humans. Whether it is just to slow down and enjoy the pace or just to acknowledge the protective qualities that we take for granted there is a deeper meaning to the turtle's presence. I just hope that projectile flame isn't directly involved.  ;)


A face only a fan boy or a monster momma turtle could LOVE.
 Historical proof that giant monsters once ruled the Earth.
 Turtle soup? I don't think so!
 What in the world is he doing to that Octopus??? I think it's time to send the kids to bed.
 How cool a kid do you have to be to have this in your personal collection?

1 comment:

Georgi 'Sanmayce' said...

Hi Nathan Zen-Sapien,
like you I am a fan maybe not as great as you are, anyway in my opinion your review captures the spirit of Gamera.
Also you are welcome to my thread at
