Sunday, March 21, 2010

Twitter Kinda SUCKS... And Other Odd Stuff

So I started to tweet and I really don't get it. I mean to say that I understood everything about the site but I am just not a fame or fad fanatic. So ya go to the grocery store and ya tweet it... BIG DEAL! Do you really need to share that info? Do you really want people on your jock that hard that they know where your lame @$$ is going and probably be harassed at? So fine I am on Twitter now although I don't think that I will be tweeting anything personal EVER!!!!

FYI - For about a week we went totally viral on and it was GREAT!!! I don't know who was looking but I am glad they took a second to watch a handful of my vids. I really feel good about that.

The festival is about two weeks away and all seems to be going well. The Human Game 2 or HG2 will be shown in the Courthouse Theater around 7:15 or after Greg Paxton ( a NewFilmmakers Alum ) shows his film. It is truly a honor to be in the same grouping as any alum of the NewFilmmakers Festival. So once again I feel good ( somebody cue the James Brown clip because I am saying this phrase too much(lol)).

My next short film YARD RATS is moving along at a good pace. I do have some location issues but basically everything else is falling in place. I really want to see how this one turns out. Each film is a learning experience and I think that my editing, writing, and filming style is getting better because it is amalgamating very intuitively. I don't think about making the film I just film. the same can be said of my editing and writing. If it looks right and feels right trust in yourself that it probably is right no matter how odd the situation or medium.

Believe in yourself, trust in your higher power and most importantly go with the flow. I will tweet the Openfilm stuff and the festival info the rest is up to the universe.

Take care.


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