I recently started to work on a book with a simple three letter title. It is eerie because it is based on a real person who doesn't necessarily wish to be exposed on this level. Personally, I am being very careful and discreet so that all identities can and will be confidential. However, on many levels I don't care about the feelings of these individuals because of the cruel nature of their actions in the past, but discretion is the better part of valor and as a writer I would prefer to build bridges rather than burn them.
For those of you wondering about my acting performance and skills I assure you that all is well. Currently I am losing weight (about five pounds so far) and trying to get into better shape . I figure that it will be about six months before I really feel comfortable in front of the camera again. Until then I guess that I will continue to write and pray that I don't sabotage myself with these holidays coming up. Food, food, and more food seems to be the only way my family knows how to celebrate. I guess it could be worse because there are people who do not have food for the holidays or any other day for that matter. I know that this sounds corny but I have to put my petty grievances in check when I examine the BIG PICTURE .
I wish you all the best this Memorial Day and I ask you to be thankful for the blessings you have.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Back to business... or something like it
I am awaiting news from a producer about the fate of one of my Summer projects. I guess that it comes with the territory but I still can't shake the nervousness I feel waiting for answers and or replies to my inquiries. This particular producer seems rather positive which gives me hope. If it doesn't work out I won't give up because I still have other options.
Interestingly enough, I have just received conflicting criticisms about my writing. An associate that happens to have her own newly formed film company said that my writing wasn't edgy enough and lacked the research and originality/authenticity that most tv shows currently give the viewing audience. That's funny because an industry veteran who works for a major cable network said that my writing was too dark for tv veiwing audiences. I'm sure that somewhere out there is an executive or producer that feels that my writing is suited for their viewers.
Perhaps this period of conflicting messages is a good omen. It is like turning on the shower... at first it is too hot and then it is too cold and then you make that final adjustment and it becomes just right... that pleasing state inbetween the extremes. I hope pretty soon that I find that wonderful place between the extremes.
Also, for those of you who have been sending me good energy and buying my book all I can say is THANKS!!! :) Your support is truly appreciated and my LOVE and POSITIVE ENERGY goes back out to you.
Interestingly enough, I have just received conflicting criticisms about my writing. An associate that happens to have her own newly formed film company said that my writing wasn't edgy enough and lacked the research and originality/authenticity that most tv shows currently give the viewing audience. That's funny because an industry veteran who works for a major cable network said that my writing was too dark for tv veiwing audiences. I'm sure that somewhere out there is an executive or producer that feels that my writing is suited for their viewers.
Perhaps this period of conflicting messages is a good omen. It is like turning on the shower... at first it is too hot and then it is too cold and then you make that final adjustment and it becomes just right... that pleasing state inbetween the extremes. I hope pretty soon that I find that wonderful place between the extremes.
Also, for those of you who have been sending me good energy and buying my book all I can say is THANKS!!! :) Your support is truly appreciated and my LOVE and POSITIVE ENERGY goes back out to you.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
A little something for Mom

This is an image of my Mother's book LEAP OVER WALLS. I felt that I should do something special for her besides the normal stuff. Maybe this will help the sales of her book. She got treated sort of poorly by her editor who didn't want to make enough changes to the manuscript so there are many grammatical errors but the content is still good and for a book of music by a first time composer it is well put together. I will be posting more images and info about this Summer's activities in the next two weeks if not sooner.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Searching For Answers
Just a quick note for the readers of this blog. I am currently in a very flexible and anxious state of mind. I was going to post some more pics when I realized that I there is a good chance I may be able to turn one (if not several) of my scripts into promos or short features this Summer. On a sad note, if I do this I probably won't be able to attend my class reunion. I don't in particular feel bad about this because anyone who has had something passionate in their life would understand that following your dreams is like nurturing a child... it is something that you cannot do haphazardly or the child will suffer. I currently don't have any children or a mate/spouse but I do have dreams that weigh heavy on my mind. If anything I can compensate for a lack of love in my life by focusing on a career that satiates my deepest ambitions. Ambitions that stem from both a creative and intellectual need. Hence, I would encourage anyone reading this blog to pursue your innermost dreams for they are the children of your heart and soul.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
My art and my world right now

It is a Sunday and I am torn between how to feel. I guess because I was raised going to church I always feel a little guilty when I miss church. The ironic thing is that I haven't been to church in a few years but I have compensated by doing as much spiritual reading and soul searching as possible.
My art ( I think) is a reflection of my spiritual desires. In most of my pictures there are themes of self-improvement and a contrasting sense of light and dark energy or a yin/yang sensibility. I don't really feel that the light and the dark are different but rather two sides of the same coin. I could be wrong but for my art's sake I need this axiom to be true in my creative world.
* FYI * For those of you who are reading my blog weekly I will start to post pics from my work and other activities this Summer but for now just enjoy the art. I will also be injecting notes about my books into the blog just to appease my publisher ;)
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The picture to the left is a solarized image of myself when I was 17 years old. I added the phrase 'actor, artist, and author' to clarify the nature of the work that I do right now. At first I thought it was conceited to say such a thing but then I remembered the story of Beowulf and the one section in particular where he takes a moment to tell the king of his accomplishments. He wasn't bragging but merely telling those who didn't know him what he was capable of doing.
Personally, the artist in me doesn't care for such "horn blowing" or the "theatrics" that usually ensue after such statements but I must admit that if you don't declare your attributes proudly very few people in this industry will for you...especially without pay.
OF COURSE, there are others out there who are more talented and skilled and experienced than me ( that's a given^_^) but who knows what tomorrow will bring and where your true fortunes may lie. Hence, I am confident that the above phrase isn't a boast but merely a statement that hopefully over time will become a well proven fact.
Monday, May 01, 2006

This is breaking the rules but I have to post this pic. One of my dearest friends is having her second baby. The picture at the bottom of the post is an ultrasound of the child. I wish her the best with her new baby and new life. She is a sweet girl and clearly deserves the best.
But back to business, the two other pics show both my photo art and the cover of my book.... is it just me or am I "pimping" this book too much. And for those who have heard the rumors I am working on two more books. One is fiction and the other is non-fiction so as the books progress I'll be sure to keep you guys and gals informed. Peace and Love. And to my 'sister' and friend...Good Luck with your new child...my prayers and energy are with you all the way!
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