Thursday, May 18, 2006

Back to business... or something like it

I am awaiting news from a producer about the fate of one of my Summer projects. I guess that it comes with the territory but I still can't shake the nervousness I feel waiting for answers and or replies to my inquiries. This particular producer seems rather positive which gives me hope. If it doesn't work out I won't give up because I still have other options.
Interestingly enough, I have just received conflicting criticisms about my writing. An associate that happens to have her own newly formed film company said that my writing wasn't edgy enough and lacked the research and originality/authenticity that most tv shows currently give the viewing audience. That's funny because an industry veteran who works for a major cable network said that my writing was too dark for tv veiwing audiences. I'm sure that somewhere out there is an executive or producer that feels that my writing is suited for their viewers.
Perhaps this period of conflicting messages is a good omen. It is like turning on the shower... at first it is too hot and then it is too cold and then you make that final adjustment and it becomes just right... that pleasing state inbetween the extremes. I hope pretty soon that I find that wonderful place between the extremes.
Also, for those of you who have been sending me good energy and buying my book all I can say is THANKS!!! :) Your support is truly appreciated and my LOVE and POSITIVE ENERGY goes back out to you.


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