Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The picture to the left is a solarized image of myself when I was 17 years old. I added the phrase 'actor, artist, and author' to clarify the nature of the work that I do right now. At first I thought it was conceited to say such a thing but then I remembered the story of Beowulf and the one section in particular where he takes a moment to tell the king of his accomplishments. He wasn't bragging but merely telling those who didn't know him what he was capable of doing.

Personally, the artist in me doesn't care for such "horn blowing" or the "theatrics" that usually ensue after such statements but I must admit that if you don't declare your attributes proudly very few people in this industry will for you...especially without pay.

OF COURSE, there are others out there who are more talented and skilled and experienced than me ( that's a given^_^) but who knows what tomorrow will bring and where your true fortunes may lie. Hence, I am confident that the above phrase isn't a boast but merely a statement that hopefully over time will become a well proven fact.

1 comment:

Nathan Zen-Sapien said...
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