Hey Everyone!
One of my actors on Facebook posted their IMDB page and I seeing the coolness of the act totally did the same!!! Shameless plugs are cool^_^
Anyway, this seems like a good note to end the year on!!!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Nate's IMDB Page ( and Shameless Plug!)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Final thoughts on 2009
First let me say that I am THANKFUL that I and most of the people I know made through this year unscathed. In all truth, this was an interesting year. I completed several short films that have gathered a following of sorts. I learned who were true friends and who were just along for the ride. I understand that no matter how much responsibility you trust others with or that they willingly accept in the end it is just you and your belief in a higher power that completes the day or ends the adventure with victory.
Overall, people as a whole still disappoint me although I am HAPPY to know that there are a few that have both good intentions and the ability to act effectively on those intentions. More so, I feel a greater compassion for those who break through boundaries or persist until something good manifests from their actions. It is one thing the say a thing (lip service) and another the finish the task.
I wonder what 2010 holds in store. I know that I still have debts to pay but thankfully I am wiser for my efforts and dealings this year. All that I can hope is that I can effectively apply my experience to the tasks ahead to make them easier and more joyful for all who matter in my life.
FYI - Several good things transpired due to the early screening but if you want to find out you will have to contact me directly because I'm not telling :P
Overall, people as a whole still disappoint me although I am HAPPY to know that there are a few that have both good intentions and the ability to act effectively on those intentions. More so, I feel a greater compassion for those who break through boundaries or persist until something good manifests from their actions. It is one thing the say a thing (lip service) and another the finish the task.
I wonder what 2010 holds in store. I know that I still have debts to pay but thankfully I am wiser for my efforts and dealings this year. All that I can hope is that I can effectively apply my experience to the tasks ahead to make them easier and more joyful for all who matter in my life.
FYI - Several good things transpired due to the early screening but if you want to find out you will have to contact me directly because I'm not telling :P
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
The Premiere of HUMAN GAME 2 - The Culling Of A King
The Location:
The Producers' Club in NYC
The time:
7:30 to 9:30pm
The Date:
December 14th
Contact me for more information.
Hopefully I will see you there. PEACE.
The Producers' Club in NYC
The time:
7:30 to 9:30pm
The Date:
December 14th
Contact me for more information.
Hopefully I will see you there. PEACE.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
The talented and beautiful Erin Leigh Farnkopf plays bloody victim # 1 in THE HUMAN GAME 2 - The Culling Of A King. She was born on the Jersey Shore and Currently resides there still. Her interest in acting began at a young age. Erin participated in every play and musical while in school, including roles such as Olive Madison in The Odd Couple: Female Version and Serena Katz in Fame. She went on to do community theatre and then landed a part in an off off Broadway show called "Short Stories 10" with the Native Alien Theatre Collective. Since then she has gone on to do background work on TV shows such as "Mercy," "Gossip Girl," and "White Collar." She has been featured on "Law and Order: Criminal Intent" and the new movie "Date Night."
Sunday, November 22, 2009

This is an early version of the poster for the short film. I was going to leave it until the premiere night for everyone to see but we are still looking for a spot so here is a bad pic of the poster. As for a screening location, I have some pretty good leads. If you know of anyone who would like us to show our short film at their location contact me ASAP because decisions are being made soon. Thanks.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So here is the sneak peek of my latest film. We had some difficulties during the shoot but it all worked out in the end. Thanks to all the cast and crew (and well wishers ) who devoted time and energy to this project. CHEERS and I will see you at the movies!!!!
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Dramatic Cold Reading by CINDY CAPRIO
Last April I held a meeting to interview several new DoPs. Amongst them were Jason 'Jay' Glover of RunningManShot and Mike Biaselli of Off On A Tangent Productions. I asked several of my actors to do readings to test the camera work of the DoPs and I was shocked by Cindy Caprio's dramatic reading. It was so very natural and believable in its flow despite the subject matter. If you want to see her in action she plays the rude waitress in The Human Game - Episode 1 and can be seen acting in several indie films from this last Summer.
Here is the test clip of her reading. It can also be found on my YouTube page. Enjoy!
Cindy Caprio
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Brittany Is Marie (Victim # 2)
If you have been keeping up with my blog then you have seen this actress before. I met her and her mom at a networking in Phillie. Actually, I knew her mom, Andrea Richardson, from a previous networking that had nothing to do with the industry.
However, back to Brittany! She is only 13 years old but an extremely talented actress. I was surprised at the believable range of her performance at such a young age. Brittany (or Brit as I call her) plays, Marie, the serial killer's second victim. Her death scene actually made me jump and I wrote and directed everything. So I do believe that there is a bright future for Brit in the industry.
FYI - I even put her mom to work as a bystander in the crowd and yes she did a wonderful job, too!
I look forward to seeing Brit succeed!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Cesar Salazar As Marie's Admirer
Cesar Salazar is a great new talent in the acting biz. He is both comedic and dramatic in acting styles. A force to be reckoned with, Cesar was former boxer who after stepping in the ring with an opponent of a different weight division (that should not have happened!!!) broke his jaw. I am sure that is when Cesar reassessed his career path and decided to become an actor. In his short foray in acting he has seen a fair amount of success working with HBO and filming a pilot which has only added fuel to his ambitions. Look for Cesar in my next film as Marie's admirer in THE HUMAN GAME 2 - The Culling Of A King. This short film will be released in December.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I Am Showing New Posts Of Some Reliable Actors In My Next Film: Brian M. Wixson
Brian M. Wixson (or Spock as we call him) has been a sure footed and reliable actor ever since I met him several years ago. He is willing to experiment on camera and is a strong team player. This is some grainy footage of Brian reading sides that were created by him for an acting class... Some of that before they were famous stuff with a cat in the background and his scene partner cheering him on. LOL.
Next week I will be posting more on different actors involved with my current film and some from previous productions.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
So I Went A Little "Artsey" On The Trailer...
Hey Everybody!
I finally got the footage for the trailer and instead of going modern horror I went retro exploitation and boy did I have FUN! The piece is pure entertainment a la 70's B-Movie. If you want to take a look at it go to my YouTube link on the side and your bound to see the video page. It is called, The Human Game 2 - The Culling Of A King (Art House Trailer). ENJOY!!!
I finally got the footage for the trailer and instead of going modern horror I went retro exploitation and boy did I have FUN! The piece is pure entertainment a la 70's B-Movie. If you want to take a look at it go to my YouTube link on the side and your bound to see the video page. It is called, The Human Game 2 - The Culling Of A King (Art House Trailer). ENJOY!!!
Friday, October 09, 2009
Test Clip (Intro) Of My Next Short Film
I was not able to get the trailer clips as of yet from my editing source so I have been doing test runs for the intro. Enjoy this test clip. The final version should be ten times better. Also, the music will be different in the final version.
Peace :)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
F. Gary Gray's LAW ABIDING CITIZEN "A man who loses everything is capable of anything."
F. Gary Gray,
Gerard Butler,
Jamie Foxx,
Law Abiding Citizen
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Boredom, Castlevania, and My Cool Mask ^_^
So waiting for a handful of film festivals to reject me because they don't like new or original ideas (Ha,Ha :P) I got a little bored. Being somewhat creative I got inspired when I saw two different masks online. One was a theater mask and the other was a digital image from the latest Castlevania video game. So I have just for fun posted some images of the almost finished mask. Enjoy.
FYI - I also made a sword... I WAS REALLY BORED!!!
I just want to say that former President Jimmy Carter is right on the money when comes to the South Carolina Congressman's remark/shouting of "You Lie!" Even if it is not directly a racist remark (yeah, right!)it is called a lynch pin remark for people who are already scared and wanting an excuse to be racist. Also, the President of the United States deserves respect especially on the floors of Congress of which he served in the past and now stands as Commander and Chief.
President Obama may not be perfect but then who is? Politicians are suppose to be role models who show exemplary behavior but when they can't even respect each other then what are we to think of them?
President Obama may not be perfect but then who is? Politicians are suppose to be role models who show exemplary behavior but when they can't even respect each other then what are we to think of them?
Jimmy Carter,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I know that I wasn't suppose to be this talkative this September but I have to get this off my chest. First, let's look at the Spiritual side of current events. All last week astrologers were warning to the point of b!tching about this week's stars. According to them six planets were all going to oppose Uranus which is the planet of innovation and more importantly surprises. Adding fire to the mix is that one of those six planets is Mercury which is now in retrograde. Now if you have read this blog before you know that I am not a fan of this aspect but I have always encouraged people to learn from these retrograde periods. All that said... WHAT THE F@CK HAPPENED THIS WEEK?!?!
M.J. starts off dissing all his former sports colleagues and his own children (ouch)!!! Then Serena has a major breakdown on the courts. Yeah, it was a stupid call but when you are at the top of your profession there will always be idiots who want to take you down... The key is to not give them the chance or a moment of satisfaction. Finally, there's Kanye. He's done this before but being spoiled and feeling self-entitled can backfire. Taylor Swift is just a little White girl and when you take that moment away from her at the awards let's be real... She may not get that chance again. Remember that in this industry "Here today, gone tomorrow." is not as real as 'Here today, gone TODAY!" because things move very fast and your 15 minutes may just be 5 in the big scheme of things. Please Black Celebs hold it together not just for yourselves but your peeps, too!
Do you want to know what is really scary? All these celebs have some connection to Chicago. Having lived in Chicago in my youth I saw the dark side of that town and I know that being a celebrity in that area must be very stressful. Okay. Nothing is quite as bad as being poor and surrounded by wealth but there is always that potential to rise and for many of these celebs being at the top and maintaining must be taxing both mentally, physically, and spiritually. So for everyone reading this blog be mindful of some of the pressures that those in the spotlight have to face and give them a break. Maintaining a high profile life for all its benefits must suck at times so when you see these folks stop looking for an angle because the stars (both in the sky and on the ground) may have a surprise for you!
M.J. starts off dissing all his former sports colleagues and his own children (ouch)!!! Then Serena has a major breakdown on the courts. Yeah, it was a stupid call but when you are at the top of your profession there will always be idiots who want to take you down... The key is to not give them the chance or a moment of satisfaction. Finally, there's Kanye. He's done this before but being spoiled and feeling self-entitled can backfire. Taylor Swift is just a little White girl and when you take that moment away from her at the awards let's be real... She may not get that chance again. Remember that in this industry "Here today, gone tomorrow." is not as real as 'Here today, gone TODAY!" because things move very fast and your 15 minutes may just be 5 in the big scheme of things. Please Black Celebs hold it together not just for yourselves but your peeps, too!
Do you want to know what is really scary? All these celebs have some connection to Chicago. Having lived in Chicago in my youth I saw the dark side of that town and I know that being a celebrity in that area must be very stressful. Okay. Nothing is quite as bad as being poor and surrounded by wealth but there is always that potential to rise and for many of these celebs being at the top and maintaining must be taxing both mentally, physically, and spiritually. So for everyone reading this blog be mindful of some of the pressures that those in the spotlight have to face and give them a break. Maintaining a high profile life for all its benefits must suck at times so when you see these folks stop looking for an angle because the stars (both in the sky and on the ground) may have a surprise for you!
Michael Jordan,
Monday, September 14, 2009
Guilty Pleasures of the Movie Kind ( NEW MOON & TRON LEGACY )
I am a little embarrassed that I want to see these films. One is a glorified vampire/werewolf chic-flick ( bite me... pun intended ) and the other reveals my Gore-like love of film (and my age ^_^ ). Oh well, life is what you make of it so enjoy those few guilty pleasures that aren't considered crimes. LOL. Bite me... hmmm... I like saying that!
Nate ~_^
Friday, September 11, 2009
President Obama's Words

"Let us renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this barbaric act and who plot against us still," Obama said. "In defense of our nation, we will never waver."
The picture was taken from the Associated Press.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
I'm going to be a little quiet this September
Hey Everyone!
I have made the decision to be a little quiet this month. I have to acknowledge certain events like 911 (which is always sad, somber, and should NEVER be forgotten) but other events will be kept hush because I don't want to add fuel to the "worry" flames.
On a good note, one of my actors got his first real TV experience on a set other than my own. He also got into a film that will premiere in Philadelphia so KUDOS to my buddy, E. Vincent Burrows. It is always the small steps that count the most in the BIG picture.
Finally, my Spiritual Anniversary (for those of you who have been following my blogs) is coming up and it just so happens to fall on Eid-al-Fitr which is the Muslim festival that end their fasting during Ramadan. I have a handful of acquaintances who are Muslim so I am contemplating spending sometime with them on that day... However, I more than likely will spend the day with a beer in one hand and a cigar in the other and hopefully some quiet time to myself... It is the simple things that mean the most.
Until I blog again, take care of those you love and live well.
I have made the decision to be a little quiet this month. I have to acknowledge certain events like 911 (which is always sad, somber, and should NEVER be forgotten) but other events will be kept hush because I don't want to add fuel to the "worry" flames.
On a good note, one of my actors got his first real TV experience on a set other than my own. He also got into a film that will premiere in Philadelphia so KUDOS to my buddy, E. Vincent Burrows. It is always the small steps that count the most in the BIG picture.
Finally, my Spiritual Anniversary (for those of you who have been following my blogs) is coming up and it just so happens to fall on Eid-al-Fitr which is the Muslim festival that end their fasting during Ramadan. I have a handful of acquaintances who are Muslim so I am contemplating spending sometime with them on that day... However, I more than likely will spend the day with a beer in one hand and a cigar in the other and hopefully some quiet time to myself... It is the simple things that mean the most.
Until I blog again, take care of those you love and live well.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hmmmm... Blue Giraffe People?!! COOL!!!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Some Good Feedback for The Human Game
TO BE CONTINUED?!!! I am ready for more of The Human Game now:-) If this is your first attempt at this genre, then you have struck gold the first time! You are a natural at this genre, Nathan. I love it! It's funny, it's real, it's dark, it's light, it just has it all. You really must film more. The actor playing Clifton does very well. He makes the serial killer almost likeable and yet frightening too. Thumbs up for you on this. Do more!! - Sharon McHenry PowersI love a good review! Check it out for yourself at the below YouTube address or click the link in the title.
Monday, August 17, 2009
I am pleased to announce that Academy acknowledged and awarded screenwriter, Kevin Caruso, has agreed to attach his name to the script, THE P.A.C.T. (aka THE P.A.R.C.). The ETA on a finished script is within a month's time and I am very excited to see the finished script all polished up!
Kevin Caruso is founder of the NJSCREENWRITER.ORG and has been working in the industry for over 15 years. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge so if you are a writer and want to take that step up and forward in your career don't hesitate to contact him. To find him just Google him or contact me or goto the above url address.
Kevin Caruso is founder of the NJSCREENWRITER.ORG and has been working in the industry for over 15 years. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge so if you are a writer and want to take that step up and forward in your career don't hesitate to contact him. To find him just Google him or contact me or goto the above url address.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
THE P.A.R.C. or People for Active Reinstatement into the Community
This is a 12 minute demo of the idea for the PARC. There is a 55 page script available for this hour long drama.
PROJECT TWENTY1 and Some New Friends

Greetings Everyone!
It has been awhile since I have blogged and I admit a lot has happened. For one thing, I went on hiatus for a few weeks. I felt a little burnt out seeing that I have been making projects and contesting since last June. Since that time I have won one award for film making but I have yet to see true rewards... That is just me being a bit of an ARSE!
Anyhoo... I went to a networking in Phillie that was associated with several film related projects. In fact, it was called Project Twenty1 and it was sort of amazing. The laws of magnetism were in full affect. The people that I was meant to meet naturally gravitated to me (please no fat jokes) and it was when I forced a conversation that the energies just didn't mix. I made at least 30 contacts and the majority of the people at the event were extremely nice. The event organizers were very professional and you could see that this event will actually grow in the next few years if handle in this manner.
Several people showed up that I knew from work and other net workings. My buddy, Ed, who is a great actor and Andrea whose daughter, Brittany, is a fresh new actress were there so I was in good company.
Project Twenty1 has a filmathon and a 21 day create-a-film contest if you are interested just Google Project Twenty1 to find out more about this great event held in Philadelphia. I am including a pic of Brittany so any interested can look her up via her MOM!
Take care everybody and I will be posting a new version of The PARC up soon.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I will be posting 3 different versions of the experimental short called Compelling. A version of it is already on Filmaka. I will post two different versions on both YouTube and this site. This version at the end has Cliff Martinez song called "Death Shall Have No Dominion". I think that it is a fitting song and title. ENJOY!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sapien Films Filmaka Link
Hey Everyone!
This is a link to my profile on you can also click on the title at the top to go to the profile.
This is a link to my profile on you can also click on the title at the top to go to the profile.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Mercury Retrograde Means Hit The Pause Button!
Hey Everyone!
May is here and with it has come my old nemesis Mercury Retrograde. Believe you me when I say that I am not a superstitious person but the timing is a Bummer on this retrograde thing. I always seem to have technical difficulties during this period. Last night I burned 7 DVDs just to get 1 good one and right now I am writing to you with my fingers crossed because we are only a day away from the dreaded event. LOL.
However, as a believer in self-fulfilling prophecy I know that what you think is going to happen with enough worry/bad energy behind it will definitely happen. Hence, I have decided to give worry/bad energy a rest and anyone who falls under that category can take a flying leap! Not to say that I am going to just relax but lets face it worrying is just self-destructive.
As for the contest and competition updates...
We didn't make the cut for the Babelgum Competition. Filmaka's Fresh Start Competition shot us down, too. We have entered The ACEFEST with a new piece called The Human Game and we will find out if they accept it by May 29th. Also, Filmaka has a new competition called Hard Times that I edited The PARC (aka The PACT) down and submitted to them. There are more competitions in the works but for now I am feeling the need to stay mum about those things... I have to remember the new "no worries" clause in my "mental contract" with myself.
Finally, I would like to give a special thanks to the DoP from PA that showed up for our last meeting named Jason Glover. He brought an assistant (Mike) and a trusted photographer (Andrea) to the meeting with him. Also, thanks to all my actors who have donated their time and effort to my projects. May you receive a bounty/blessing/reward as big as the blessing that you have been to me. NOW THAT'S HUGE!!!!
Take care people.
May is here and with it has come my old nemesis Mercury Retrograde. Believe you me when I say that I am not a superstitious person but the timing is a Bummer on this retrograde thing. I always seem to have technical difficulties during this period. Last night I burned 7 DVDs just to get 1 good one and right now I am writing to you with my fingers crossed because we are only a day away from the dreaded event. LOL.
However, as a believer in self-fulfilling prophecy I know that what you think is going to happen with enough worry/bad energy behind it will definitely happen. Hence, I have decided to give worry/bad energy a rest and anyone who falls under that category can take a flying leap! Not to say that I am going to just relax but lets face it worrying is just self-destructive.
As for the contest and competition updates...
We didn't make the cut for the Babelgum Competition. Filmaka's Fresh Start Competition shot us down, too. We have entered The ACEFEST with a new piece called The Human Game and we will find out if they accept it by May 29th. Also, Filmaka has a new competition called Hard Times that I edited The PARC (aka The PACT) down and submitted to them. There are more competitions in the works but for now I am feeling the need to stay mum about those things... I have to remember the new "no worries" clause in my "mental contract" with myself.
Finally, I would like to give a special thanks to the DoP from PA that showed up for our last meeting named Jason Glover. He brought an assistant (Mike) and a trusted photographer (Andrea) to the meeting with him. Also, thanks to all my actors who have donated their time and effort to my projects. May you receive a bounty/blessing/reward as big as the blessing that you have been to me. NOW THAT'S HUGE!!!!
Take care people.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Anime In America! Some Cool Cartoons for the BIG SCREEN!
I was wondering when Hollywood was going to start buying the rights to anime! Films like Akira and Ghost In The Shell made my teen years fun and were truly groundbreaking. I LOVE the fact that the short stylish flick called Blood: The Last Vampire actually got picked up by the producer of Crouching Tiger & Hero. This means that this version of Blood should be full of wire tricks (I'm not too fond of) and martial arts (which I love!!!!).
We will see how Spielberg's version of Ghost In The Shell goes and if Leonardo Dicaprio's Akira holds true to the story and fan base. However, I am sure that Blood should please the novice as well as the expert anime lover.
We will see how Spielberg's version of Ghost In The Shell goes and if Leonardo Dicaprio's Akira holds true to the story and fan base. However, I am sure that Blood should please the novice as well as the expert anime lover.
Monday, April 06, 2009
We didn't make the shortlist...
We did not make the shortlist for the voting competition half of Babelgum. They picked the top 40 who had the numbers/votes. For the rest of 610 entries (including myself) that did not make it there is still the "Looking for Genius" Award. That winner will be announced in NYC on April 27th. To all the other contestants I want to wish them GOOD LUCK and much SUCCESS... You never know.
An old friend of mine has on her website "Sorrow looks down, worry looks around, FAITH looks up!"
Keep the FAITH my friends.
An old friend of mine has on her website "Sorrow looks down, worry looks around, FAITH looks up!"
Keep the FAITH my friends.
Friday, April 03, 2009
Thanks and keep your fingers crossed!!!
So the Babelgum Contest is over and they will announce the shortlist on April 6th. Keep your fingers crossed that we made it to that point. I also want to thank everyone who entered and voted during the contest. It was a challenge but fiercely worth it. I will post more info around the sixth to let you know what is going on. Have a terrific weekend!!!! I will definitely have a fun one for ya'!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Greetings Everyone!
I just want to inform all my voting friends that has a new voting system that allows you to vote without downloading software. It is very easy!
1) Go to
2) Type in WAIRE ( to get to my videos :D )
3) Click on the thumbs up icon and you are done!!!!
FYI - Don't Forget That I Have TWO Vids on
For even quicker links check my earlier blogs. Thanks for your support!
I just want to inform all my voting friends that has a new voting system that allows you to vote without downloading software. It is very easy!
1) Go to
2) Type in WAIRE ( to get to my videos :D )
3) Click on the thumbs up icon and you are done!!!!
FYI - Don't Forget That I Have TWO Vids on
For even quicker links check my earlier blogs. Thanks for your support!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Hey Everyone
I have entered two of Sapien Film's videos into the BOFF Contest. The category is mini masterpiece and both videos are under 5 minutes long. You can vote everyday for as many vids as you like but only once a day per video.
The vids/films that I entered are called NOTHING and SUICIDE MADE SIMPLE.
I have entered two of Sapien Film's videos into the BOFF Contest. The category is mini masterpiece and both videos are under 5 minutes long. You can vote everyday for as many vids as you like but only once a day per video.
The vids/films that I entered are called NOTHING and SUICIDE MADE SIMPLE.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It has been a while since I have written to y'all. I have been pushing projects in film that have been hard pressed to manifest. Nothing is really working out according to plans, however, progress has been made.
The two new books that I have been writing on have been delayed until I can get better writing equipment/software. I am not disappointed by this because a new script idea has come my way.
The contesting aspect of filming is coming to an end. I will continue to make short film but only for the festival scene. Contests are too arbitrary for me right now.
I will be sending postcards out soon notifying the public of our activities... Here's to success.
Happy New Year, Everyone!!!! I hope 2009 is a blast as much for you as it will be for me!!!!
The two new books that I have been writing on have been delayed until I can get better writing equipment/software. I am not disappointed by this because a new script idea has come my way.
The contesting aspect of filming is coming to an end. I will continue to make short film but only for the festival scene. Contests are too arbitrary for me right now.
I will be sending postcards out soon notifying the public of our activities... Here's to success.
Happy New Year, Everyone!!!! I hope 2009 is a blast as much for you as it will be for me!!!!
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