Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fish Query

I am about to hit you with an anecdote about a fish dinner so do not read further if you don't like fish, nameless characters, or hidden messages with enigmatic answers. ;)

One day a man was offered a fish dinner but he was told that of the 3 pieces of fish on the plate that he could only eat two. He looked at the plate and automatically saw a piece that was extremely appealing. The person offering the food also noticed the gleam in his eye when he looked at that particular cut of fish. Of the other two cuts although one was shaped like the piece he liked and the other was thicker than both pieces combined they just were not what he really wanted. Being very hungry and needing to make a decision he told the person offering the food that he would take the two pieces that were not his first choice. He immediately ate them both and afterwards the person who initially offered the food asked the man "Why? Why did you eat the two pieces that were not your first choice?"

The man hesitated then smiled and copiously replied, "If I had taken the most appealing piece I would have had to pair it up with one of the two less appealing cuts of fish. So instead of inflating or even ruining my expectations of how good or bad the mismatched pieces would be together I chose to see the best in the two lesser pieces that I had originally no desire to eat. For in Truth, they were together the best choice. Their worth was obvious to me; their values were easily known."

What choice would you make?


p.s. I should so copyright this story (LOL).

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