Monday, January 10, 2011


OK. I am sitting at a table read this previous Sunday afternoon and several pages into the script one of the primary female characters is described in terms that only a man securely married to his wife of 10 years would ever utter... Jersey pretty. Quote, "... modestly stylish, Jersey pretty, (she) dashes into the room..." Now, I am not originally from NJ but upon reading this phrase (of which I was actually narrating ) I could not help but to chuckle.

There was a distinctive Femi-Naziish moan.

I looked up to see every guy in the room giggling to himself as the women recoiled uncomfortably in their chairs. I continued to narrate without incident until our first break.

OK. 3 hours later and 117 pages completed we finished the reading to a mild self-congratulatory applause. That is when it happened. "What did you mean 'Jersey pretty'?!?" one of the female readers exclaimed. My writer friend who shall remain anonymous for obvious safety reasons explained that, "She wasn't bad looking just ya' know sorta...". I sank in my seat. Fortunately, my writer friend has a lot going for him. It was basically his house! It was his script! The majority of the people present were members of his writing group! Hell, I'm the biggest dude in the room and I am sittin' on his left!!! But sitting on his right was his wife. Sitting directly across from me was one of my new actresses and associates. Sitting across from her was the only female and long time member of his writer's group. It was effectively the "TRIANGLE of DOOM" and the odds were stacked against us. We were outnumbered 3(ladies) to 8 (guys) which by gender standards might as well have been 3000 to 1.

Now, in reality, it wasn't that bad. Sure there was a ton of both giggling and explaining to which none of the women in the group were satisfied. However, in the end, the point both in context and out of context was clearly made... Jersey pretty although totally HILARIOUS just ain't that great. It is right up there with Chicago chic, New York nice, and Hollywood hot (which ain't so bad if you are into high tensile plastic (LMAO)). FYI - I do know a few Californian girls who are all natural and completely out-of-this-world!!! In fact, I know a few Jersey girls who if you called them "Jersey Pretty" could easily redefine that "giggle" factor into an "OMG" sensation. So be warned fellas it is best to stick to traditional, tried and true descriptions of our female counterparts or you may find yourself in a more vicious and metaphorically perilous "TRIANGLE of DOOM".  I know. I've been there before and I am still flinching... A little.

'Nuff' said.

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