Monday, November 15, 2010

STRESS Sometimes Equals A Heck Of A Lot Of CREATIVITY!!!

As you can tell I'm stresin' big time!!! The fest site is fine and progressing at a good pace. The movie stuff is chugging along so I can't complain. My previous short films are actually getting some good press so WHY AM I FREAKING OUT... It's just not happening fast enough!!!

I just figured out that each and every time I make or do an art project it is like a coping mechanism that keeps me from flipping my lid (LMAO 4 REAL!!!)! I figure at this pace I had better rent a warehouse for storage of all the art projects I am going to complete before I leave this world (AY-YII-YIIIIIIIII!!!!)!

... And NO!!!  
 It (once I piece it together) & the rest of my art is not for sale!


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