Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year 🎊🎆🎈 2023!!!

 Firstly, I would like to thank and say that I am extremely grateful for all those that supported SAPIEN FILMS throughout the year! Throughout all the readings and contests… some of which bore fruit and those that didn’t! I appreciate you all for your support and time!

Next, I’d like to thank all my new colleagues who are making the promise of next year look so good!!! A special shout out to the agents and managers who said they would take a look at my work in the new year… HOORAY!!!

Then there’s those people who were just kind to me… Every little bit kept me going and gave me hope for my fellow humans (no matter how they looked or what they represented).

Finally, I like to thank my family (both fictive and real) for showing me LOVE and teaching me that GOD has no limits… It is us who must have Faith and be willing to step out on it!!!

This New Year let’s push forward in the ways that the Universe wants!!! E., Spock, HB, Craig, Courtney, Billy, Bones, and the rest of “Star Trek” past and present… Thank you so much and let’s boldly go where none of us have gone before!!!

Peace ✌️ and Blessings!!!


Heather Gengaro’s latest book called Runaway Mate

 I just got in the mail a book by Steve Yank’s stepdaughter Heather Gengaro called Runaway Mate!!! She goes by the pen name Gen17. I will write a review on my blog and (where you can buy it)!!! She has a deal with the app Dreame for some of her other writings so I hope this is good!

Check it out for yourself when you get a chance 


Thursday, December 29, 2022

Andy Troy’s January 13th Decades Dance 🪩 Party 🎉!!!

 Here’s a note from Andy! I am going to try and attend!!


Hello party people!

Like dancing? Love the classic dance music of the 60s through today? Our dance parties are always great!

So join us in the New Year for some old tunes at my Decades Dance Party in NYC's best rooftop lounge, 230 Fifth when the decade of the music will change every hour!

We'll be in one of 230 Fifth's two fully enclosed lounges. The room will be announced soon so stay tuned!

It will feature:

6-7 PM Music from the 60s!

7-8 PM Music from the 70s!

8-9 PM Music from the 80s!

9-10 PM Music from the 90s!

10-11 PM Music from 2000 & beyond!

*Dancing to all your favorite tunes with DJ Vinnie Campisi!


$7 beer!

$9 wine!

$10 well drinks!

Date: Friday, January 13th, from 6-11 PM.

Location: 230 FIFTH (west side of Fifth Avenue between 26th & 27th Streets)

In addition, we'll also have full access to The Rooftop Garden with one of NYC's most spectacular views!

The Rooftop Garden at 230 FIFTH

The Rooftop Garden is a hot-spot in the summer and a not-to-be-missed winter experience with its heated outdoor Rooftop Garden and legendary hooded red fleece robes which are given to guests upon their arrival.

The Food at 230 FIFTH

Besides offering a full bar, 230 Fifth also offers a full kitchen menu (serving food from 4 PM – Midnight), created by renowned chef John Benedetti who has been featured numerous times in The New York Times Dining Out section.

For further info:

917-754-4329 OR

See you there!

Monday, December 26, 2022

PTS 100 Quarterfinals

 Not sure what this says about my script, The Choice, but I was happy to receive Quarterfinal standing in the Page Turner Screenplays 100! 

Perhaps it will do better in the future!!!


Sunday, December 25, 2022

A Christmas Poem by Brian M. Wixson aka Spock

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!

My buddy, Spock, wrote a poem about his waiting in lines at the stores during the holidays. His writing partner in Philadelphia liked it so much that he and Spock have decided to turn it into a Christmas 🎅 script (minus the gun lol)!!! Here’s the text that he sent the crew. FYI I’m the Captain that he’s referring to!

Peace ☮️ and happy holidays 


Already shared with the Captain. Figured share with the rest of the crew. Happy and Merry everyone!

It was the day before Christmas at the grocery store. 

The parking lot was packed you could fit no more.

Every space was taken they parked on the street. Like Harry Katz at a wedding so a tip he could beat.

Inside the store it was quite the sight. Everywhere were customers looking for a fight.

Holiday groceries sold out not in sight.

Everyone was mad ready to fight.

Along came a jolly man so fat with a beard.

Through the crowd he jostled to the cookie aisle he neared.

He reached for the Oreos to dunk in his drink.

Someone drew a gun on him said "Don't even think".

He put them down and headed for the door.

"You all have gone crazy, I'll shop here no more".

As he walked down the block to his car out of sight.

He muttered,"These people are crazy, I'll get drunk tonight."

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

A new rewrite of The Lepidopteran

 As the holiday season pushes forward, I have a little bit more time to work on old projects. The one that stood out; that never materialized was The Lepidopteran. I created so much for the series yet when I recently read the first script it was lacking. My writing style has improved so I have been spending time rewriting the script which was difficult because the only pdf that I had was a photocopy BUT thankfully Final Draft has a new feature that allows you to put old pdf copies into the latest version of the software. Mind you that this is a photocopy so I have been copy and pasting the script where I didn’t rewrite it completely!!! So my December is set! Rewrite The Lepidopteran and I have already planned to do a reading of it at the end of January or tentatively the beginning of February.

Keep busy and never settle!!!


ps Send me your Good vibes 😎 on this one because it really has potential. Peace ✌️ 

Monday, November 28, 2022

The MDIFF keeps giving!!!!

 Just got a certificate from The MDIFF for the award 🥇 that The Choice won in their competition! Check it out below... 

Peace ☮️ 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Halle Mariner of APA... Thank You!!

 As some of you know, November is a month of meetings for me. Just last Friday, I had 4 zoom meetings with 3 agents and 1 manager where we got to pick their brains and listen to their wisdom (as winners of The Big Apple Film Festival (see older posts)). 

Several of the speakers left their contact info, so naturally, I followed up with email/queries. Although, it has only been 1 day or so, I got a response from one of the hottest agents in the country who spoke in one of the meetings... HALLE MARINER!!! She responded which was quite exciting and although her schedule is heavy for the remainder of the year, she said that at the beginning of next year she would check out my work!!!

Hopefully, she will enjoy my work and want to continue to remain in contact... I think she would be a cool agent for several of my projects/scripts!!!

Keep your fingers crossed and send me some Good Energy!!!


p.s.  As usual with this blog, I cannot take comments so look at my older posts to find out how to contact me. PEACE!!!  

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

HG3 got Top 1 Badge on Coverfly

 Human Game 3: The Revelation got the Top 1 Badge for the month of November on Coverfly!!!! God’s blessings keep coming!!!

Friday, November 11, 2022

Coverfly’s Ranking of The Choice in The BAFF

 So I took a few pictures of the ranking and win from Coverfly about The Big Apple Film Festival Competition!!!

Check it out below... this the best I could do with my iPhone... old iPhone 📱 lol 

ps I LOVE ❤️ that out of 98,000 plus scripts on Coverfly The Choice is in the Top 12%!!! Feeling EXCELLENT!!!!

Thursday, November 10, 2022


 The GOOD news keeps coming Thank GOD!!! I checked Coverfly to see about the rankings for The Choice and noticed that it was up from 17% to 12% out of 90,000 plus scripts on the site! I then checked its status in the Big Apple Film Festival and BEHOLD it said WINNER instead of finalist like it said before !!!! This is one of the biggest wins that I have received so my fingers are crossed that the zoom meetings that are mentioned in the previous post go well seeing that they are the results of the BAFF!!!

Pray, put your mojo on it, and/or send GOOD vibes 😎 that these meetings go well!!!

Love you much!!!


ps- I did this so fast that they haven’t sent updated laurels, yet!!! lol 😆 CHEERS!!!


 It has been an interesting week to say the least!!! Besides the list of meetings coming up, I got another super cool upgrade from The Multi Dimension Int'l Film Festival!!!

Below is the email quote:

"Exceptional Achievement is an add-on award in our festival! The Exceptional Achievement Award is at par with the Award Winner Award at our festival. Our Film Festival Selection Committee loved your project, so they could not resist awarding you with this!"

Feeling Super Blessed! The laurels are below.

Spread the L-O-V-E!!!!



Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Got 4 Zoom Meetings Through The Big Apple Film Festival With Agents And Managers... Plus More News

 Greetings Everybody!!!

As all of you may or may not remember, I entered HG3 and THE CHOICE into the Big Apple Film Festival (BAFF) Agents and Managers Competition. Well, HG3 did not place but got high rankings that put it into fourth place on Coverfly's Red List! THE CHOICE, however, did become a finalist and is now in the top 17% of Coverfly's Feature Comedy list... BUT let's get back to the BAFF!!!! Because of its high score I now have on November 18 from 11am to 2pm meetings with 3 agents and 1 manager to discuss the script. The agents are Roy Ashton of Gersh, Halle Mariner of APA, and Shan Ray of Gersh. The manager is Lee Stobby of Stobby Entertainment!!!
Put your GOOD energy, prayers, and mojos on it that day for me because they will be asking if there is any attached cast, of which, I will mention a few of you (if appropriate)!!! I have a hard time forgetting those who help me, so I more than likely won't forget you!
Also, on November 23rd, I have a phone pitch meeting with Jon Hersh to discuss a tv pilot that is diverse and has strong female characters, so I am planning on focusing on HG3 or THE PACT. So, for all those who were involved (and some who weren't) with these projects keep the GOOD energy flowing for that day before Thanksgiving. Hopefully, for the 8 minutes that they give for the phone pitch, I can really get something off the ground! Hersh has a huge production company, and they air on streaming networks like Netflix

Monday, November 07, 2022

The Choice script is now a finalist in the MDIFF

 The script has been getting some success!!! The laurels are below 



Saturday, November 05, 2022

The Choice Got Selected For The Multi Dimension Independent Film Festival While I Was Having Brunch

 While having brunch with Althea Haynes of L&A Magazine, my script got selected!!! The laurels are below along with a few pics of the brunch. Enjoy 😉 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Cimeries Counting Makes The Semifinals In The Arthouse Festival of Beverly Hills

 I wasn't expecting much from this script, but it got some laurels!!! And I am GLAD!!!!

They are below


Sunday, October 23, 2022

Part 2 of the Zoom Script Reading of THE CHOICE

This reading was a little more complex than the last one. 
First off, the role of the twins was played by one person. Courtney Lynch held up two objects, one black and one white, to represent each twin and when they spoke in unison, she held both objects in the air to show that they were talking at the same time.
Also, Zay Jeter who was in a terrible car accident last time and could not participate in the last reading, took on his original roles of "Darius" and "Mirror Image of Darius" by wearing a hoodie for one version and removing it for the other.
Maurice Vaughan of Stage 32 agreed to join us again to observe the reading. Please check previous post to see the names and characters read by the other actors/readers.
Thanks and enjoy!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Part 1 of the Zoom Script Reading of THE CHOICE

I was really honored to have STAGE32.COM's Maurice Vaughan sit in on the reading of my script THE CHOICE. Below is a list of the readers and the characters that they read. Unfortunately, one of my principal actors got into a car accident and I had to read his part of Darius and another character called The Shepherd.
The List:
Morgan Hope - Ms. Smith, Dog/Beast and Bird, Bill Collector, Scandinavian Woman 
Allen Z. Verne - Reporter, Mr. Grutter, Security Guard
HB Gibson - Coffee Mate Tim, Cop, Priest, 
Courtnie Cooke - Coffee Mate Sarah, Butler, Driver 
JaMonet Rice - Cherub, Voice #2
E. Vincent Burrows - Demon, Voice #1, Police Man #1
Brian M. Wixson - Narrator, Radio (News) Announcer
Ashley & Courtney Lynch - Twins, Sock Puppet and Children, Policeman #2, Club Girl

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The SIFF Certificate/Award for *BEEP*

 Like I mentioned in an earlier post that has the laurels for this award, *BEEP* won Best Feature Length Script in the Swedish International Film Festival (SIFF). Below is the certificate for the award. So proud to bea part of this festival and to get recognition for this particular piece of writing!!!



Tuesday, October 11, 2022

How to communicate with me and SAPIEN FILMS through social media!

 First off, let me address the commenting on my blog. It is simple... I can't get the site to accept comments through the new email, therefore, I can't receive or respond to comments left on this blog page. So, if you would like to contact me outside of my email address, please use other social media sites to leave a comment.

Below is a list of my social media sites that a variety of my projects and listings available. I provided 3 links in different colors.

Nathan099 on YouTube

SAPIEN FILMS on Instagram

Nathan Zen-Sapien on IMDb

I can also be reached on Twitter: @SAPIENFILMS and on TikTok: @NATHANWAIRE

I hope you enjoy the sites and have fun exploring!!!


Sunday, October 09, 2022

Steve Yank Got The Ed Wood Award

 The Ed Wood Award was presented to my coproducer and filmmaker friend Steve Yank last night for his first short film The Towen!!! So proud of you, Steve!!! Hopefully, more to come!!

Sunday, October 02, 2022

Update On The Choice Script and Reading

 In my zeal for promoting The Choice I forgot to explain what the script/story was about. 

The story is a farce about Heaven and Hell. The main character is caught between a wager between the two forces and must make a decision on whether to be a “glorious lamb” in Heaven or a high ranking denizen of Hell. He’s persuaded by both sides to make a “choice”.

Anyway, the reading will be broken up into two recorded sessions (on the 15th and 22nd of October)! So far, we have got a few heavy hitters to sit in on the reading so it should be interesting!

If you’re interested in seeing and reading the script before or after the reading; the script is on and open to all members to see.

Be careful because October may be full of surprises!


Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Here's A List of The People Who Will Be Participating in THE CHOICE Reading

 Below is a list of the tentative readers for THE CHOICE! I have to also shout out Maurice Vaughan of who will be observing the reading. He has incredible credentials and if you ever wondered where to start in your career in showbiz Stage32 is one of the best places to start. 

As mentioned in previous post, we will also have some media influencers involved with the reading. So, if you recognize any of the names below wait for my posts on YouTube and this blog to see them in action. 

FYI - If you're an industry pro and would like to observe the reading as it occurs contact me by email:

THE CHOICE Reading List (in no particular order)

Morgan Hope - Ms. Smith, Dog/Beast and Bird, Bill Collector, Scandinavian Woman 

Allen Z. Verne - Reporter, Mr. Grutter, Security Guard

HB Gibson - Coffee Mate Tim, Cop, Priest, 

Courtnie Cooke - Coffee Mate Sarah, Butler, Driver 

JaMonet Rice - Cherub, Voice #2

E. Vincent Burrows - Demon, Voice #1, Policeman #1

Brian M. Wixson - Narrator, Radio (News) Announcer

Ashley & Courtney Lynch - Twins, Sock Puppet and Children, Policeman #2, Club Girl

Zay Jeter - Darius and Mirror Image of Darius

For all those who are a part of the reading... Break-a-leg and enjoy yourselves

Sunday, September 25, 2022

On OCTOBER 15th and 22nd THE CHOICE Will Be Read Through Zoom Meeting!


Currently, if you are interested in reading THE CHOICE you will have to go to and look it up (I have provided a link above), BUT we will be doing a two-part reading of the script in October on Saturday the 15th and 22nd at 7:30pm. If you are interested in seeing the reading contact me at my email address ( or if you can wait, we will be recording each part of the reading and I will post it on my blog and YouTube channel the following week.

Some intriguing news about the reading is that several media influencers and industry pros are participating as well as viewing the reading. They will be either actively participating or watching/chiming in during the reading. Some have grown with me over the years while the majority are new to how SAPIEN FILMS runs things so it should be really exciting!!!

If you would like to be a part of the reading just contact my email (I can't accept comments on my blog) and I will send you the link once, we get closer to the dates!

Peace ✌


Saturday, September 24, 2022

Steve Yank’s The Towen will be at the Highlands Horror Film Festival

 A horror film that I have a producer credit with Steve Yank (who is the director of the film) will be playing and winning an award at the Highlands Horror Film Festival!!! The Towen is the name of the film and can be found on YouTube! It was Steve’s first film but it has been getting attention from a select group of horror fanatics. He did everything in it from the music to directing to casting!!!

Good Luck, Steve and if you’re in or near Highland, NJ on October 8th check out Steve’s film! He’s showing as the last film at the festival!! Should be spooky fun!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Human Game 3 Made Another Semi-Finals in Portland New Alternative Voices Festival

 The final outcome won't be announced until September 30th but for now we have a Semi-Finalist rank in this competition. HOORAY!!!!

The generic laurels are below!



Monday, September 12, 2022

A zoom reading of The Choice

 Planning to do a zoom reading for The Choice (my latest script) in two weeks!!! If you’re interested in participating please contact me at

There are many roles open in particular we are looking for twins females who may be interested in acting 🎭 (plus there’s plenty of other roles)!!

Contact me soon 


Wednesday, September 07, 2022

My Latest Script Is Called THE CHOICE

 I just rewrote the second script that I ever written and placed it on ! It is called The Choice and is based on the script One Man’s Choice which is in my book The Zen Cookbook and Other Bizarre Screenplays!!!! Below is the link to the script on Coverfly!!! Enjoy!!!!


Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Teamblazeeliteaau Podcast Video is on IG

 Teamblazeeliteaau Podcast is up on Instagram!!! Just go to their page and the the first video is the podcast!!! WARNING ⚠️ there was a strong storm that night so towards the end of the podcast there were technical issues!!!

But besides that it was Great! I even got Steve Yank to join me and he spoke about his new film The Towen 2.

So if you get the chance check it out.


Monday, August 29, 2022

Tuesday 30th At 9pm Teamblazeeliteaau Podcast

 I will be on a podcast this Tuesday at 9pm on Instagram!!! Just go to teamblazeeliteaau and follow them to get their live feed! I will be sharing a lot of information and stories that were missed last week due to technical difficulties. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!


Saturday, August 27, 2022

HG3, *BEEP* , VMA and other updates

Mad shout out to Kayla H. if she can get me some tickets to tomorrow’s VMA!!! I Love that girl even if she can’t get me the tickets!!! Also, shout out to The SIFF and CWA for recognizing *BEEP* and HG3 in their competitions


Thursday, August 25, 2022

*BEEP* Won Outstanding Achievement (1st Place) Award in The SIFF

 I am so happy that my rewritten script for BOY now called *BEEP* won another award with a prestigious and well-established film festival. Last year, The SIFF (Swedish International Film Festival) gave my script Human Game 3: The Revelation a ranking of Finalist which is pretty darn GOOD, but I felt that I could do better with them so this year when offered the chance to enter a feature length script I jumped at the chance and BOY (no pun intended) did it pay off!!!!

Below are the laurels!!! I truly feel Blessed and grateful to GOD and The SIFF for recognizing my work!

Never give up!!!


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Tuesday’s Podcast Was Postponed

 I had planned to talk about everything from Lionsgate moving to Newark to my past dealings with HBO and all the changes in my career that can be found on this blog... But due to technical difficulties with teamblazeeliteaau podcast ( that they didn’t resolve for 37 minutes) the podcast was postponed until next week Tuesday. Apparently, the two gentlemen didn’t know that you can’t have both 5G and WiFi going at the same time for a podcast! So I will keep you posted on my blog for the future updates for the podcast on Instagram with teamblazeeliteaau 

Check back soon 🔜 (like this weekend for details)


Monday, August 22, 2022

Tuesday August 23rd I will be on IG podcast Teamblazeeliteaau

 If you have any questions about my career, blog, books or life in general please join me on teamblazeeliteaau on Instagram tomorrow night (Tuesday) August 23rd at 9pm!!! Just go to where it says “live” in the top left corner of IG home page and hit the teamblazeeliteaau link!!! I will gladly take questions from the audience about anything that you would like to discuss!

Remember that it is teamblazeeliteaau on Instagram 

Thanks and see you there!!!!


Saturday, August 20, 2022

HG3 is a Preliminary Finalist in the CWA

 At first I was torn because I didn’t know the status of the script but just last week CWA posted on Coverfly! I wanted to rank higher but at least I made the first cut. I checked their home page and found out that it didn’t go further. I think it has to do with the fact that it is a drama/thriller that is only a half hour long when most scripts of this nature are an hour! I think it is ahead of its time because it would be perfect for streaming or a genre breaking original. 

Anyway, at least I made it into a competition that has some major players looking at the scripts.


Sunday, August 14, 2022

L&A Magazine Update With Some Interesting News About My Actors

 The magazine is finally here and I invited the actors mentioned in the article that I wrote to sign a few copies! FYI-Brian M. Wixson (who is mentioned in the article) just this morning came off set with Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio... so close but still so far away!!!

Anyway, here’s a picture of us with the magazines and a brief video... Enjoy!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Reactivated My GoFundMe Page for HG3

Above are the links to my GoFundMe page for HUMAN GAME 3 (HG3)!! If curious and/or feeling generous please click the link and donate!!! I will be putting some more information up in the next few weeks!!!

Thanks 🙏 


Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Another Video From My Basement About HG3

 It is 🥵 HOT!!! But I just wanted to give some positive energy to several of my actors and relay the status of HG3!!

Here’s hoping that it will get some Good News!!

Sunday, August 07, 2022

*BEEP* Made It Into The Swedish International Film Festival

 Very proud to say that this is the second of my scripts that got selected for The SIFF. Last year HG3 made it as a Finalist in this festival and now *BEEP* has been selected. I hope it goes further than this... Maybe one of my scripts will sell soon. Fingers crossed!!!

The laurels are below. 

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

Thank Goodness for and Here's Hoping For The Best!!!

I got some potentially GREAT NEWS from Coverfly this morning! An industry pro downloaded The HG3 Series Bible!!! Hopefully, it is because they read HG3 and are curious as to what the series would look like. For those curious, I put the email in this blog so that 1) You could pray on it for me and 2) If you are interested in joining you can see some of the potential good that can come of it!

Give me GOOD ENERGY people. My hopes are high!!!



Here's the email:

Hi Nathan,

Great news! An industry professional has downloaded your project Human Game 3: The Revelation Series Bible via the Coverfly industry dashboard.

Our industry professionals have asked to remain private by default because they don't want to receive unsolicited material. That said, if they're interested in your project they will reach out to you directly. Often, our industry pros download scripts to explore possible candidates for representation, for an open writing assignment, or for potential material to option or purchase

Saturday, July 23, 2022

I Am A New Jersey Screenwriter and Filmmaker!!!

My bio can be found on IMDb but it covers my past to the point where I start filming in New Jersey so briefly I have been screenwriting and filming in New Jersey for 20 years before that I was an actor mostly in NYC! With all the studios opening up in New Jersey I think it is about time to get seen by the local media industry. Please check out the rest of the blog to see my awards, what I have been working on, and where I have shown including festivals and theaters! Thanks 🙏 


Friday, July 22, 2022

Blu Lotus in Montclair, New Jersey

 I have always been a fan of the Esoteric and one of the most interesting shops I’ve seen has been Blu Lotus in Montclair, NJ!!! They have trinkets and a wide variety of crystals to beautifully decorate your house or for simply bringing Love and Light into your life!!!

The owner is a genius artisan and gentle soul by the name of Craig! Very 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ friendly staff and environment!!!

They even have a talented psychic reader by the name of Billy who works everyday as a manager and for $45 Thursday through Monday gives 15 minute readings!!! 

So if you’re interested in the future of Esoteric and the unique decor take a few minutes to explore Blu Lotus Metaphysical Shop at 20 Church Street in Montclair, New Jersey. Their number is (973) 783-9866 so you can call them between the hours of 11am - 6pm eastern time!!!

Have fun exploring the strange!!!



Sunday, July 17, 2022

I wrote an article in L&A Magazine

 Even though it is a promotional magazine I am very proud that the owner asked me to write an article about filmmaking and screenwriting! One of my friends said your name is not on the cover but I had to point out that no one was named on the cover lol 😝!!! I also told him that I got in a little early because the next issue is the men’s issue and because it is the relationship issue I talk about my contact over the years with industry friends and associates. Basically, how I went from an actor to a filmmaker/screenwriter. If you’re interested in seeing a copy just email me ( )!

Each issue cost $10 without shipping but I will definitely see if I can get you one for free!

Take care and I hope to hear from you soon!!!


Thursday, July 14, 2022

*BEEP* Just Got Its First Accolade In The Bestlov Film Festival

 As some of you may already know, I rewrote my script BOY with minor politically correct adjustments and called it appropriately *BEEP*.

This morning it was Officially Selected into The Bestlov Film Festival... Maybe I am onto something...

FYI - it’s a Finalist!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

HG3 Series Bible and Cimeries Counting Script

 FYI - I will be putting HG3 Series Bible on Coverfly this afternoon and I will be putting the script Cimeries Counting on Coverfly this Friday or Saturday so if you want to see concepts/storylines flushed out please take a moment to check them out! Thanks for your support to all my friends and followers!!!


Sunday, June 26, 2022

It’s Been 12 Years Since I Made A Demo Reel

 Go to my YouTube channel and let me know if I need to make a new demo reel!!! I think it is about time lol 😂 

Below is the 2010 demo reel and a link to the YouTube page!


Nathan Waire’s YouTube Channel

Sunday, June 19, 2022

My Latest Script Is Called Cimeries Counting!!!

 Just a quick update to let you know that I just finished my latest TV 📺 pilot and it’s called Cimeries Counting!!! I am letting some of my contacts read it and so far it has been getting a lot of support. Imagine Tales From The Crypt meets Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood in the heart of the city!

I will be posting it on Coverfly in about two weeks so look for it then!!!!


Friday, June 10, 2022

Westworld is back with season four!!!

 Cannot wait to see what they have in store for the characters and actors  especially Jeffery Wright!!! Got the strange feeling that he will be mostly in his own head most of the season lol 😝 

Here’s hoping that they keep the same theme music 🎶. It set such a standard for the show!

Saturday, June 04, 2022

Remote Audition vs Preproduction Style Using Pulp Fiction Monologue

 I am going to show you two different styles of audition. The b&w version was made years ago and the actor (Steve Yank) had plenty of time to rehearse. I even picked out the location even though I didn’t have microphones! It actually works!!!

The second is in color and was shot on an iPhone with the actor (E. Vincent Burrows) studying for a few hours and shooting! For his audition he was asked to answer questions about his life. Both can be found on my YouTube channel

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Rooftop Party 🎉 Luau Style With Andy Troy on June 17th

Aloha Everyone!

Spring is in full swing, with Summer just around the corner, so it's time to announce one of our most popular events, our annual Luau @ 230 Fifth!

We're back again, in the private event space of NYC's best rooftop lounge, 230 Fifth! In addition, we will have access to the Rooftop Garden, with Manhattan's most spectacular view!

The Date: Friday, June 17th from 6-11PM.


Location: 230 FIFTH (west side of Fifth Avenue between 26th & 27th Streets)

We'll be in 230 FIFTH's exclusive Fifth Avenue Empire Room

Upon entering the building, take the FRONT elevators to the top floor. There will be signs & staff to help direct you.

This private event space features a view of Fifth Ave & its own entrance to 230 FIFTH's Rooftop Garden & has hosted events by numerous celebrities including, Taylor Swift & Brad Paisley.

Drink Specials:


$7 beer!

$9 wine!

$10 well drinks!


Free Leis for those not already wearing them as a fashion statement!

Umbrellas for your umbrella drinks!

Umbrella Drinks for your umbrellas!

*Dancing to all your favorite tunes with DJ CeeGoods!

Since 230 FIFTH's opening in May of 2006:

. Voted #1 most popular night life venue in Manhattan by ZAGAT

· Voted #2 Best New Bar/Lounge in the United States by CitySearch

· Voted #1 thing "To Do" in New York by Spur, Japan's leading fashion magazine

The Rooftop Garden!

The Rooftop Garden is a hot-spot in the summer and a not-to-be-missed winter experience with its heated outdoor Rooftop Garden and legendary hooded red fleece robes which are given to guests upon their arrival.

The Food at 230 FIFTH:

Besides offering a full bar, 230 Fifth also offers a full kitchen menu (serving food from 4 PM – Midnight), created by renowned chef John Benedetti who has been featured numerous times in The New York Times Dining Out section.

I'll add more details as I have them so stay tuned!

For more info: OR call/text: 917-754-4329