Wednesday was the first day of Summer and I kicked it off by attending a networking. It was very fulfilling because I met people from all over NJ. Sadly, I received an invite to a networking in NY that very evening and I really wanted to attend that one as well but I had a prior engagement.
I am starting to get the hang of all this 'shmoozing' and unlike other artist I am not feeling any conflict of interests. It seems to come with the territory... how are people going to find out about you or your product if you don't get out there and advertise what ya' got? I think that the businessman in me is the real person who regrets missing the NY function. It would have been great to meet the theatre crowd that were slated to be there that night and give them my business card.
At the event that I did attend there was a representative from (GREAT smelling skin care products), a beautiful singer, and also a Public Relations/Mass Media Writer by the name of LeGina Adams. These three women were fun and interesting contacts to make because they reminded me of the people that you usually meet in the arts. They had strong personalities and were very creative.
I guess in the end, the networking that I was suppose to attend was the one that I went to anyway. In life it seems that when you force an issue that is when you meet the most resistance but when you go with the flow that is where you gain the most ground. I am pretty sure that there are going to be a lot more of these events this Summer and for some reason the businessman in me is ecstatic!